28 April 2011

Spring Snow!

Although snow in spring is not uncommon (remember the very 2nd day of spring?) this time I am not talking about the frosty kind. Last week all of a sudden the whole neighbourhood burst into color with spring blossoms popping up everywhere. I makes me so happy to see this after a long and bare winter! Many walks in the sunshine were taken to admire the big fluffy pink and white balls appearing around town. But only a week later there are signs of this colorful burst coming to an end. I walked outside into what seemed like a wintry wonderland this morning. The blossoms have begun falling down, one by one in a blizzard of white.
When I returned to the park to visit these beautiful cherry blossoms again I was saddened by the pink massacre laying on the ground. No more cherry blossoms. :( With only 8 weeks (okay, that's still a long time) of Springiness left I am defiantly enjoying the warmer (but not scorching) weather, trips to the park, cherry blossoms, tulips and daffodils and even those annoying birds that remind me at 5am that i should get out of bed.

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