24 June 2011

My imaginary house, garden and kids on pinterest

Can we just jump on the pinterest bandwagon for a second here people?

Pinterest is a new addiction for me. I can spend hours pinning recipes, DIY projects, fashion, you name it. But I have found myself pinning projects to complete in my own home (which I don't even own yet), vegetable garden ideas for my non-existent backyard and sweet outfits, nurseries and photography-ideas for the kids that I'm not even pregnant with yet. I guess you can say I'm pinning for a rainy day.

One day I will DIY absolutely everything in my awesome pad, my garden will look like a fairy tale and my kids will be the coolest little Llamboks* on earth!

*Llamboks are what my husband and I call our future children. My sister made a topper for our wedding cake that was a Llama (representing Peru) and a Springbok (representing South Africa) and figured out if they ever had children they would be Llamboks. (this took way to long to explain, sorry!)

I would now like to share with you a very random selection of things that caught my eye so far. Feel free to follow me here! on pinterest.

Can baking get any cooler then this?
I think not.

These Hiking Journals kept by The hike Guy are beautiful and so inspiring. 
Now bring me my backpack & some trailmix!

How awesome are these tattoo stockings?
You could really freak your parents out at Sunday night dinner with these!

Movie night in my imaginary backyard of my imaginary home. You are all invited!

Im already thinking how to DIY this onesie for my (not even germinated) Llamboks.


  1. I want I want I WANT that outdoor theatre! How awesome is that!?!:)

  2. Oh I am so glad you told us about the llambook's!! Please say you have a picture of your wedding toppers!! :D and I love those pictures! That cake looks delicious and I love the outdoor theatre and stockings!

  3. We've been considering creating an outdoor theater. That one looks amazing! One of my readers just told me about Pinterest, because some of my photos are on there. Still not really sure what it is.


  4. isn't Pininterst so amazing!? I just love the people who can just really go all out for their art journal

  5. There's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't put an outdoor theater in my back yard. No reason at all. And no reason for me not to have a rainbow cake in a jar (except that I don't know anyone that could make one for me and I certainly couldn't do it myself).

  6. ooooh those stocking are kind of cool!

  7. that rainbow cake is a.mazing!!!!!


  8. Love your blog - just stumbled on it from "A home away from home" and will definitely become a follower :) Love finding other South Africans in the blogosphere!


  9. ahhh i definitely want to check out that hiking journal guy when i have a minute! looks amazing. and so does that cakkkeee

  10. That rainbow cake and onesie are sooooo amazing!!!
