27 June 2011

Weekend roundup

  1. New York finally legalizes same-sex marriage. No matter what your thoughts on homosexuality are, I feel that you deserve to be happy and marry whoever you love.
  2. Friday Night hibachi dinner with friends
  3. My celebration after I managed to catch the flying shrimp from the hibachi chef, in my mouth (I never catch them!)
  4. Baking on Saturday morning... recipe coming up later this week.
  5. Cocktails at lunch (hey! It's Summer) with brother-in-law
  6. Dinner with the hubby at this little pub I have been wanting to go to for ages!
  7. I saw a total of 2 bunnies this weekend. :) I love them!
  8. Hubby gets haircut
  9. While strolling in the park we came across an emergency/disaster communication set-up practicing. 


  1. Looks like a great weekend! I'm so happy that New York made gay marriage legal. Now, if only more states would follow.


  2. :) Sounds like a perfect weekend.

    Woohoo for gay marriage passing. I completely agree with you.!

  3. Bunnies how cute, it looks like it was a awesome weekend.
