8 August 2012

Where the heck are ya?

Oh hey guys! Yeh so remember that time when I was all excited to be back on a 3x weekly blogging schedule and had so many cool ideas up my sleeve? Can you guess what kinda got in the way? 

It's been pretty hectic around here trying to keep up with working 36 hours a week, starting a website, the explosion of orders in my Etsy shop and then there is of course motherhood (phew!), housework and ferrets to be fed etc. My list could probably go on for days, but because of all these factors my beloved blog is taking a bit of a backseat these days. 

I will still keep posting sporadically (since this is my own little diary/scrapbook) but I am taking the pressure off of myself from trying to keep up with a regular schedule and then feeling terribly guilty about not posting. I hope to return in full force one day, but for now I need to make time to cuddle my little Zoey at the end of a very long day.


  1. It's good to know your priorities are in the right spot! Just take a step back and enjoy your little while she is still little :)

  2. I know the feeling all too well! Good to hear ur etsy shop is busy by the way, I love the little body vests (or what they called...onesis?)
    I will pop in from time to time just in case there's a new post! Love ur blog:)!

  3. I totally feel you on this one... and I'm not even a Mom! I think it's so important to be realistic about what you can and can't do - a blog should be fun and something you do to relax, as soon as it becomes another thing on your to-do list (like mine is right now) then it's a good idea to take a break :) By the way - I will be in New York from the 10th through the 13th of September - it's a monday to a thursday! If you can I'd love to meet up for lunch or a coffee one day and make our long running blogger friendship legit! Also, you have to help me with any must-sees and eats - this will be both my mom and my first trip to the big apple!


  4. Good for you girlie! Enjoy her, the blog will always be here!
